Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I feel I write in Englsih faster than before.

The third paper cost me seven hours to finish the drift. It was finished as exactly three pages. For each new paper, I spend less hours on. I expect one day I can write as fast as native English speakers. Also, I dream I could to be an English writer one day. This idea is ridiculous, but I insist on working on it, nobody will force me give up. I believe myself is an excellent Chinese writer although few people agree with me.

I got a B- from the first paper of the Oriental Study. For that paper, I paid ten dollars to Joseph for checking grammar. I only asked he to do this part, I took care of the content by myself. I must to do like this way, otherwise, that was cheating. When I told Joseph I got a B-, he responded immediately, “I only did your grammar.” Of course I understood, and I was never trying to blame him. Although, it was really not an expected grade. In fact, in the professor’s comment, he didn’t criticize my grammar, but said there are too much unaccurate statements in the paper.


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