Finished the mid-term of European history
I finished the mid-term exam of the Europe history course this morning. The exam is including two parts. One is twenty term-matches that weights twenty points. The second part is an essay that weights eighty points. Before the exam, I expected an A from it. I spent three whole days, last Friday and the weekend, worked on the essay. I wished I could answer all the terms correct and lost a few points on the essay only. However, after the exam, I found I did around five terms wrong in the first part. So, right now, I think I may get a B+ or A-, as I expected, my essay could still win a high grade.
There are endless exams in a student’s career. It is seem terrible, but I don’t really hate that. The final exam will take place on next Wednesday. I usually do better on final exam than mid-exam. I gain experience from mid-term exam and try to be used to the teacher. If you can figure out what your professor wants, you will have a good chance to get good grades.
Few of my friends have blogs despite many people who I don’t know do it in the world. Probably many people think that it is unreasonable to write and put personal journal in the public. However, since the blogs wrote by ordinary people have few readers, doing it or not become same. I just want to do something, regardless it is meaningful or not.
This is Antony’s blog; I put the address over here, so I may visit it sometimes. I wish he updates it more often.
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